It happened again. This time it was a movie theater in
Aurora, Colorado. The toll this time – 12 dead, 59 wounded.
Was the shooter disturbed, possibly deranged? Probably.
Was it tragic? Absolutely.
Was it shocking?
If this shocks you, then my only question is, how many more
incidents will it take for you to get over your shock? This is just the latest
on a sad series of incidents, a series that is not going to stop, not any time
This country is armed to the teeth. Many consider the Second
Amendment sacrosanct. Any politician that even hints at proposing to limit
access to guns is a targeted (pun intended) person. The NRA has a
stranglehold-lock on our political process. Guns are as American as mom and
apple pie.
Well, this is the result.
I know. Guns don’t kill people; people kill people…if guns
are outlawed only outlaws will have guns…the vast majority of gun owners are
And on and on the excuses and rationalizations go. Do me a
favor. Save them. I don’t need to hear them. I’ve heard them.
This is a lost cause. As much as I abhor guns, and, just for
clarification, I have lived 53 years in this country, in large cities like Miami,
Houston and Orlando without ever having to fire a gun, I can’t do anything
about it. Except to express how much this sickens me. It sickens me that this
is our value system – being armed to the teeth is an American value.
And I know this paints me as some kind of tree-hugging
Liberal. What-fucking-ever. Label me however you want. I don’t care anymore.
Columbine. Virginia Tech. Gabby Giffords. George Zimmerman.
Aurora. And those are just the more notable incidents. People have been shot
down in churches, on playgrounds, in malls, in schools…and in movie theaters.
The defense is, these people are unstable!
Gee, you think?
But you have to understand something. In this country, unstable
people have easy access to guns. That is the price we pay to pack heat.
Now, I’m sure you, reading this, are a very responsible gun owner. Just
understand something – this gives me no solace whatsoever. It is not you I am
worried about.
It’s the next person who will spray bullets into a crowd
that I may be a part of.
It will happen again.
And again. And do not tell me you’re shocked when this
happens. That’s bullshit.
It’s inevitable.
My hope is one day enough people will have had enough of the
slaughter in the name of ‘Rights.’ Remember, you have no rights. You have
privileges granted to you by the people in power.
I only pray the privilege of owning a gun one day is
relegated to the history books.
This latest incident in Aurora is not shocking. It’s
collateral damage.
Get used to it.