Okay, lets get a couple of things out of the way right at
the top.
I am not Steven Covey. I don’t possess some kind mystic
knowledge that can be distilled into Seven Habits and thus launch a self-help
I also do not claim to possess the ability to make people
who work for me motivated to the point of wanting to topple small countries on
my behest.
But I think I have found the key to managing people somewhat
Well, first, before I divulge this wad of wisdom, let me
tell you how people operate in the workplace. Specifically, how do you get
people to do what you want and need them to do?
People are curious. When they are faced with a task, they
often have a number of questions about the task. Some of these are obvious –
they need to know how to do the task; but we can assume that they already have
that ability. If not, provide them training.
They also want to know when they need to have the work done
by – what’s my deadline for this? That’s pretty simple too – by the end of the
day, the week, or month. Whatever. But be careful with this one – don’t concoct
some fake deadline to try to motivate. It may work once, but never more than
There are also the logistics of the task – who am I to do
this with? Where? Again, those are relatively easy to address. But here’s the
key to it all –
People want to know why.
So tell them.
And tell them the truth – ‘Boss is trying to prepare a
proposal by the end of the week. Your role will provide the needed statistical
analysis of foreclosures in Hialeah, which will give the report its needed
depth. You obviously have a strong grasp on the analysis and the area being
looked at. The report will be shared by upper management.’
Sometimes the why question has offshoots, like “Why me? Why
not Joe down the hall?” Or, “Why can’t this be done by the IT group?”
Be as honest and as patient you can with these queries.
Answer them all. If you haven’t figured out the answers to those, do so before
springing it on your staff. Because they will ask. And if not you, they will
ask others. They want to know why, and they are going to find one way or the
So take control of it. Answer the why questions.
Now, here’s the worst possible answer to give:
“Because I said so.”
Wrong on so many levels. For one, we are not dealing with
eight year olds. For two, trying to place yourself on a higher authoritative
level than them is ridiculous; you already have a title that clears that up.
They know it is because you said so – tossing that at them absolutely kills
their motivation. It’s patronizing.
A wonderful benefit of answering the why questions is, you just
might find a better way to accomplish the task – “Oh, so if that’s the reason,
why don’t we try it this way?” I have gotten such feedback so many times and
have used that advice often. Hey, I’m just a guy with a plan, but I am not so
naïve and insecure to believe that since it emanated from my brain it is
People who know why they are doing something are motivated.
They’re empowered. And they feel like they have a boss who listens to them.
Which is why it works. Every time.
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