I can remember a time when the political landscape was
dominated by, primarily, two philosophies. You had the Republican vision and
the Democratic vision. At times there was a third party in play, but for a very
long time, the two main parties would try to persuade voters as to which vision
they, essentially, endorsed. Then whoever was elected would, in theory at
least, initiated policies consistent with that vision.
That’s how it used to work.
It does not work that way anymore. Far as I can tell, I see
only one party offering up a vision. The other party? They criticize that
vision. And that’s fine, as that’s politics. Part of the persuasion is to
discredit the other vision as wrong-headed, short-sighted, or whatever.
But…you have to have an alternate vision. It simply cannot
be, “They’re wrong.” You have to tell me why you are right, and “Because they’re
wrong” is not an answer. Tell me why your view is better.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you today’s Republican Party.
They have been called a number of things recently: The Party
of No. Obstructionists. Puppets to the Koch Brothers. The Rich People’s Party…well
wait, they’ve always been called that.
But just answer me this – what do they stand for? What is
their vision? Lower taxes? Strong military? Okay, I will give you those. They
have long held those values. But the math simply does not work when you want to
spend gobs of money on something while reducing your ability to pay for it.
Personal freedom? Now you’re stretching. They have a
differing view of what “Freedom” is, and the best recent example of their idea
of freedom is Cliven Bundy – the freedom to break the law and pay no
consequences for it. Back in the 1960’s, those people were called Anarchists. Now
they’re called Conservatives.
But in reality, their vision is, ‘Against Anything Obama
Does.’ Now I realize this pegs me as a Democrat, and that is okay. Most
everyone knows I am. But you better stop with the personal criticism right
there, because at least my party has a vision. And when the other party spends
all their time demonizing the leader of the my party (Marxist, Kenyan, Muslim,
Appeaser In Chief, Feckless Leader…take your pick), eventually you have to step
to the dais and tell us your vision. We get you don’t like who is in charge.
That message has been clearly sent…and received.
So if you’re a Republican, what is your party’s vision? What
is the vision of America that Republicans proffer? Tell me. Guns? God? Less
government? Okay. Well, the devil is in the details – how do you plan on
accomplishing those things? How, for example, are you going to expand gun
rights more than they already are? In many states you can strap an AK-47 on
your back and walk into a Walmart. What more do you want there? God? The
Constitution grants all citizens freedom of religion, totally unfettered. Hard
to expand upon that. Less government? Okay. What is going to go away? Road
construction? Mass transit? Head Start? They won’t answer that, but instead
adhere to Reagan’s mantra that government is the problem. Well, it’s not. And
they know it’s not.
Their strategy is to simply throw accusations at Democrats,
Obama in particular, which have no basis in any kind of reality. Case in point:
How often have we heard that, ‘Obama is coming for your guns.’ So…when is this
going to happen? He’s only got two more years left in office. If that is indeed
him plan he best get to it don’t you think?
Obamacare. My God the rhetoric on that hit new lows for
lying. Death Panels. Killing Grandma. Government takeover of health care. When,
in reality, do you know what it was? Insurance reform. It simply required
everyone to have health insurance. Bought in the marketplace. Sure, with some
financial assistance for those too poor to do so, but so what? It was a massive expansion of customers to private
businesses. That’s it. That’s IT. Nothing more. But to hear the Republicans
tell the story, it was going to be the death of this country. But if it was their idea…no wait, it was.
The Party of No is now the Party of Hell No. With no
rational reason for it.
Except one.
Because there are only two parties. And, when you have no
vision, the strategy becomes simple. Trash the other vision. You do not have to
offer up a plan if you spend all your time discrediting the other plan. Don’t believe
me? Ask John Boehner. He stated, publicly, that Congress should not be judged
on how many laws they pass but how many they repeal. Well, on both counts, they
have failed miserably, since this Congress is on track to pass the fewest
number of laws of a Congress ever…and have repealed exactly zero.
They believe they are saving us from Obama. Well you know
what? With that view you are disrespecting the will of the majority. Obama was
elected, legitimately and without fraud, twice. The people spoke. You just don’t
like their answer. Too bad. Win an election.
So remember this. Republicans have a vision; they truly do. But they aren’t telling you what it is. Why?
Because they know it is too onerous, too repugnant to offer up publicly. I will
tell you what it is – two words: Social Security. They want your money. Your money. They pretty it up with talks of “Freedom to
invest your contributions as you see fit” to give the illusion of personal
control. Bullshit. They want your money so it can be thrown into the stock
market and they can make money off your money.
Disagree? Then prove me wrong.
Politics has been called the Art of Compromise. However,
when you have one party refusing to do so, you get nothing. The system breaks
And that’s what we have.
Please remember that when you vote this November.
Your choice is a vision or blindness.
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